Red Wine

Red Wine

Red wine is a popular drink made from crushed and fermented dark-colored whole grapes. It contains high levels of antioxidants, and it is good for your health (that is, if it is taken in moderate amounts).

Health Benefits

If you’re looking for something to keep the doctor away, forget about apples; a glass of red wine a day is a sure bet. Red wine can potentially control cholesterol levels and protect your heart; several studies have revealed. This classic drink contains two components (antioxidants and alcohol), which give it these protective properties. And there is the French paradox, for which red wine is believed to be responsible. Let’s break down the paradox.

The phrase “French paradox” refers to the claim that there are low rates of heart problems among the French despite over-consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol. As a result, some health experts have been made to believe that red wine is the dietary agent offering the French population protection against the effects of the these harmful nutrients (saturated fat and cholesterol). However, recent studies have revealed that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol cannot cause heart disease when consumed in right amounts.

If you’re looking for an extended lifespan (of course, everyone does), try red wine; it is rich in resveratrol and proanthocyanidins antioxidants. Proanthocyanidins prevent cancer and heart disease besides reducing oxidative damage in the body. Resveratrol has been linked with a myriad of health benefits: it fights blood clotting, reduces inflammation, and minimizes the chances of cancer and heart disease. The sad part is that red wine contains rather low resveratrol content. You may need to consume a dozen bottles a day to reach the recommended amount of this antioxidant. For obvious reasons, this (over-consumption) is highly discouraged. If you are just looking for resveratrol, you can get it from elsewhere; a supplement can be a better idea.

What Amount of Red Wine Should You Consume?

If you fancy drinking red wine, you don’t need to worry about anything as long as you’re enjoying the drink within the recommended limits. One to 2 glasses a day (men) and 1 to 1.5 glasses a day for women are generally considered moderate red wine consumption in America and Europe. Some health experts also recommend that you should have 1 to 2 alcohol-free days a week. Keep in mind that drinking other alcoholic beverages on top of red wine could easily mean excessive alcohol consumption, which may cause liver cirrhosis, alcohol dependence, dehydration, and other complications.
