Wine tasting is a popular pastime for many people, which appears to be booming in popularity. Wine-tasting venues are popping up just about everywhere, with more people than ever enjoying the atmosphere of wine-tasting bars, revelling in the opportunity to sample fine wines and select a favourite. Here are some tips for how you can create the perfect wine-tasting venue.
Wall Décor
When it comes to creating a venue ideal for wine tasting, the décor on the walls is going to be among the more crucial aspects. What you should consider is the kind of atmosphere you’re looking to generate, which will impact the colours you select for the walls. If you’re hoping for a more traditional wine tasting atmosphere, which tends to be darker and more of a classy mood, then deeper colours such as reds and browns will go well. Exposed brick walls are also a common theme for wine-tasting venues, nicely emulating the mysterious vibe of a wine cellar. If you’re alternatively hoping to do something a bit different and have a more bright and modern vibe, vivid colours could fit well for your individual style. Yellow and blue, in more brilliant shades, could be ideal choices for this sort of option.
Any venue tailored towards wine will require some decorations to truly set the mood and complement the overall theme. Going back to the décor of the wall, such as colour and whether or not you chose wallpapers, it’s essential to keep this in mind when selecting extra decorations. Any decoration you choose should match the rest of the design, particularly in terms of colours and the theme. For instance, you may choose to place photos of wine on the walls or even standing up on tables. If selecting pictures of wine or even glasses, picture frames will be a necessity for you. You can use different picture frames to truly show off the imagery you’re choosing to display in your wine room, allowing them to stand out perfectly to your guests and add something a little extra. You could even use picture frames to display the wine lists on the bar and on tables, adding a nice touch that guests are sure to appreciate.
Naturally, your wine-tasting venue is going to require furnishings. Your guests will be looking for places to sit and tables to place their drinks. A wine-tasting business will often have stools for guests to sit on, with high tables to accompany them. Go for colours and materials that match the rest of the room. You could also consider placing sofas in the space, providing a more warm and cosy seating option that can be particularly great for customers who’d struggle to sit on a tall stool. Have hat stands and coat racks close to the door, or even a coat closet, so that guests will have somewhere easily accessible to store any jackets and bags they’d rather not carry around with them the whole night.
Overall, there’s plenty to consider when establishing a new wine-tasting venue. Ensure the décor matches the theme you’re going for, with additional decorations such as pictures to add style and appropriate furnishings to match everything, and that is also practical.